what is pre-mediation divorce coaching?
DCA® pre-mediation divorce coaching is a concentrated 6-week program specifically focused on educating you about the mediation process and learning skills to be your own best negotiator.
Even if you think there’s no way on earth you can negotiate on your own behalf, DCA® pre-mediation coaching will help you…
Gain a clearer understanding of the mediation process
Get organized for the mediation process
Learn and develop skills for successful engagement in negotiation
Develop strategies to help manage the emotional overwhelm that can be a barrier to effective and efficient communication
Develop clarity around your (and your spouse’s) wants, needs and ideas
Expand your ability to generate creative proposals
Learn to speak up, self-advocate, and communicate effectively
Be empowered as a negotiator
For more information about the importance of having proper divorce mediation preparational, please feel free to contact us or book a consultation online.