high-conflict divorce coaching
“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”
DCA divorce conflict coaching® is a six-week one on one coaching program that will empower you to engage in conflict in a different and more effective way so that you can reduce the cost and emotional impact of divorce.
The reality is this. Conflict is part of every day life, and nowhere is that more true than in divorce. But when conflict becomes combat, it can be painful, costly, and drag out the divorce process. If you dread communicating with your spouse/ex, if you feel your anxiety shoot through the roof every time you see their name pop up in a text or an email, divorce conflict coaching can change that dynamic.
As a divorce conflict coach, I can guide you through becoming strong and independent for any high-conflict divorce process. I am proud to provide divorce help to any individual.
Don't go through the process alone; contact us today to book a consultation and to begin your divorce mediation preparation.
benefits of DCA divorce conflict coaching®
improved negotiation and emotional skills
more credibility with court professionals
shorter time to settlement and better outcomes
more manageable, positive co-parenting
lower overall divorce costs
continued results even after settlement